Benefits of working with CLOCKSS
The world’s leading digital archive for academic publishers and research libraries
CLOCKSS are trusted by libraries and publishers, all around the world, because of the services we offer, the technology we use, our human capabilities, and our ability to innovate.
Through the use of award winning LOCKSS technology, we provide world class, safe and secure, digital preservation services, that ensure invaluable digital resources are guaranteed long-term preservation and access.
Read more below about why CLOCKSS is the leader in long-term digital preservation, and how we can work together to preserve scholarship for future generations.

Guaranteed long-term preservation and access
Scholarly publishers and research libraries share governance, strategy, policymaking, costs, and skills for community governed and supported CLOCKSS.
Twelve identical repository sites at major research institutions around the world (unique among long-term archives) provide an exceptional level of redundancy, resilience, and security. The succession plan secured by our international network ensures that your authors’ works will endure even if CLOCKSS and/or your organization doesn’t.
Fault Tolerant
CLOCKSS use the award-winning LOCKSS technology to preserve content. The LOCKSS technology safeguards against the long-term, well-documented causes of digital loss: human error, computer attacks, economic and organizational failure.
CLOCKSS assigns Creative Commons Open Access licenses to all triggered publications to ensure they are always open and available to everyone.
CLOCKSS holds the highest certification score ever awarded to a preservation service by the Center for Research Libraries. It preserves books, journals and related materials including datasets, images, metadata, software, videos and more.
The world of research is changing, and so are we to ensure that the knowledge entrusted to us remains discoverable, retrievable, accessible, and usable across systems and time. CLOCKSS is evolving new features and services, and exploring new challenges such as the preservation of open access monographs.
Open & Transparent
CLOCKSS is built on highly secure opensource software , standards, and protocols, and freely shares information about the technology we use. A unique feature of CLOCKSS is that after publications are triggered, they are openly accessible to everyone under Creative Commons licenses.
Good Citizen
CLOCKSS protects the scholarly record on behalf of everyone. We also provide a key open infrastructure service, participate in industry activities and projects, and contribute to the evolution of scholarly communications.
As a not-for-profit community-governed organization, CLOCKSS keeps costs down for all through collaboration, efficiency, and innovation.
Join the CLOCKSS community of world leading libraries and publishers today. Become part of the future of digital preservation.
The CLOCKSS Community
CLOCKSS Value Proposition
You can download our value proposition for both publishers and libraries below: