Digital Archive Community
Working together for the scholarly community
The CLOCKSS archive is governed by and for its beneficiaries, not a third-party organization. Publishers and librarians have equal say in deciding policies, priorities, and when to trigger content so that it becomes openly available in perpetuity.
A spirit of partnership and library-led preservation is central to our approach to preservation. CLOCKSS protects tens of thousands of journals and hundreds of thousands of books. We provide funding that enable the broader LOCKSS community of preservation services to work their magic too. Together we uniquely protect nearly ten thousand journals.
To be successful we must work together.
That is why we are committed to equality and diversity and seek to collaborate with partners located all around the world. Our ‘common good’ approach is doing what is in the best interest of the global scholarly community and the knowledge we work to preserve. We actively seek to include content, languages, libraries, perspectives, publishers, and subjects to ensure a global and inclusive scholarly record.
We are dedicated to working in partnership with libraries, publishers, and other key stakeholders to seek future-proofing solutions, and to reduce stress or concerns for members of the scholarly community.

The CLOCKSS Community
Participating Publishers
Find out more about the publishers that have entrusted the long-term preservation of their published content to the CLOCKSS archive.
Supporting Libraries
Find out more about the libraries that work with CLOCKSS to safeguard the long-term survival of scholarly content, maximizing return on investment and ensuring access and use for future generations.
Community Partners
The following organizations partner with the CLOCKSS archive on the long-term preservation of scholarly content.
Project Partners
CLOCKSS partners with a range of organizations on innovative initiatives to identify and preserve scholarly material at risk of loss.
Board of Directors
Unlike some scholarly archives, CLOCKSS answers to its community, not to a parent company. Board Members are librarians and publishers who agree to future strategy, guide management, and set annual fees.
Find out more about the dedicated CLOCKSS team who are at the forefront of the sector to deliver world-class preservation services.