NamesforLife contains micro-publications and was founded to solve a long-standing problem in biology: resolution of the ambiguity between nomenclature and biological objects and concepts. NamesforLife made names actionable.
So... if you need to know the relationship between Pyrobaculum neutrophilum and Thermoproteus neutrophilus dive in!
Entries contain a historical record of both the name and taxon and its synonyms; technical and non-technical papers in which the organism is a key subject; information about its availability from biological resource centers, databases holding molecular sequence data; and information regarding its pathogenicity, utility, and safety requirements.
NamesforLife was a privately held U.S. company providing semantic services to the scientific and technical publishing industry. The company ceased operations effective December 31, 2022. The NamesforLife, LLC Intellectual Property Portfolio was acquired by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory requested that we trigger this content from the CLOCKSS archive under a CC-BY license so it remains available in perpetuity.