Ensuring Integrity in Scholarly Publishing: NISO RP-45-2024 and CLOCKSS Long-Term Preservation

In recent years, the landscape of scholarly publishing has evolved significantly, necessitating clear guidelines for maintaining the integrity of published research. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has responded to this need with the publication of NISO RP-45-2024, a set of comprehensive recommendations designed to guide publishers, editors, authors, and institutions in effectively communicating retractions, removals, and expressions of concern (CREC) in scholarly literature.

NISO RP-45-2024: Enhancing Transparency and Trust

NISO RP-45-2024 underscores the critical importance of transparent communication in correcting the scholarly record. It advocates for standardized procedures that ensure timely notifications and clear labelling of retractions, removals, and expressions of concern alongside the original content. This approach aims to maintain visibility and accessibility while providing stakeholders with sufficient context and explanations for these actions. By fostering collaboration among stakeholders, including publishers and institutional bodies, the guidelines uphold ethical standards and bolster trust within the scholarly community.

Role of Long-Term Preservation Services

Integral to maintaining the integrity and accessibility of scholarly content is the role played by long-term preservation services such as CLOCKSS. CLOCKSS safeguards bibliographic metadata and full-text materials, ensuring their continued availability even in cases where content may no longer be accessible from its original source. Standardized and machine-readable metadata notifications facilitate efficient communication of updates, although challenges exist with ensuring all aggregators can receive such updates automatically.

Ensuring Continuity During Ownership Transitions

Transition periods, such as when journals change ownership or management, introduce complexities in content communication and preservation. Current publishers are advised to collaborate closely with previous publishers to accurately communicate article statuses, including retraction notices and updated metadata. Mechanisms for transferring such critical information between publishers are crucial to uphold transparency and accessibility across platforms.
In conclusion, NISO RP-45-2024 and the role of long-term preservation services such as CLOCKSS are pivotal in maintaining the integrity of scholarly communication. By adhering to these guidelines and fostering collaboration across the scholarly ecosystem, stakeholders can effectively mitigate errors, uphold ethical standards, and ensure the continued trust and accessibility of scholarly research.

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