From Prototype to Production

The founding members of the CLOCKSS pilot program are pleased to announce that CLOCKSS will advance to active operations in mid-2008. Two years ago, scholarly publishers and research libraries, challenged by the responsibility to preserve the digital assets of the community, joined forces to build a prototype for a global dark archive. Their unique collaboration […]

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Vicky Reich honored with the 2008 Ulrich’s Serials Librarianship Award

The CLOCKSS Initiative is proud to announce that Vicky Reich is the recipient of the 2008 Ulrich’s Serials Librarianship Award in recognition of her distinguished and ongoing contributions to the field of digital preservation. Vicky’s leadership role in the development and adoption of digital preservation solutions like LOCKSS and CLOCKSS ensures the accessibility of serial

Vicky Reich honored with the 2008 Ulrich’s Serials Librarianship Award Read More »


Researchers increasingly access journal articles online, but the real possibility exists that, due to natural disaster or human/computing failure, digital content might not always be available. Libraries and publishers have joined forces in an initiative called CLOCKSS, providing leadership and the supporting technology, to ensure reliable, long-term access to scholarly e-content. The moment has arrived

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How CLOCKSS Works: Ensuring Long-term Access to Digital Content

The CLOCKSS initiative is a partnership of libraries and publishers committed to ensuring long-term access to scholarly work in digital format. As more and more content moves online, there is growing concern that this digital content may not always be available. CLOCKSS addresses this problem by creating a secure, multi-sited archive of web-published content that

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First ALCTS Outstanding Collaboration Citation Awarded to CLOCKSS

ALCTS is proud to announce the CLOCKSS initiative as the inaugural winner of the ALCTS Outstanding Collaboration Citation. CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS), a not-for-profit partnership, leverages the contributions of key members of the scholarly communications community. Building on the widely-used LOCKSS system and working outside the limitations of business models or current technology, CLOCKSS is creating

First ALCTS Outstanding Collaboration Citation Awarded to CLOCKSS Read More »

Money granted for digital preservation

The Library of Congress will provide approximately $700,000 over three years to Stanford in support of CLOCKSS, a collaborative initiative between publishers, librarians and universities to create a large-scale archive that will serve as a fail-safe repository for published digital scholarly content. The CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) initiative is an effort to provide assurance to the

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Library of Congress Digital Preservation Award

The Library of Congress has entered into a three-year cooperative agreement with Stanford University to provide approximately $700,000 in support of Stanford’s CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) digital archive pilot and related technical projects. Funding is being provided by the congressionally mandated National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP). “We are

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CLOCKSS: Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe – Large Dark Archive Initiative

The scholarly community is collaborating to build a trusted large dark archive. The core value underlying this archive is that it will have distributed governance and administration and no single legal entity will be responsible for the archive’s management. This guarantees that no organizational ties (of either not-for-profit or for-profit nature) can compromise the long-term

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“Archiving should be done by librarians and archivists, period.”

Quotation from Mellon Foundation, Sep 05 “Digital preservation represents one of the grand challenges facing higher education”. Archiving is about preserving. Who should be doing it? What should be archived? What are the current solutions, where are they, how do they work? What critical success factors are there? Read the full article here:

“Archiving should be done by librarians and archivists, period.” Read More »

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