CLOCKSS Triggers Annals of Clinical Psychiatry
Print ISSN: 1040-1237, eISSN: 1547-3325. Triggered: May 2011.
Taylor and Francis published Annals of Clinical Psychiatry between 2004 and 2008. When these volumes of the journal became unavailable through on-line access, it provided the CLOCKSS Initiative another opportunity to demonstrate how CLOCKSS works. In doing so, CLOCKSS offers continuing and public access to all the Taylor and Francis published Annals of Clinical Psychiatry articles that are preserved in the CLOCKSS Archive.
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry is the official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists. The Annals publishes high-quality clinical articles that focus on the advancement of patient care. Contributions furnish professionals and students with a continuing medical perspective on their discipline, addressing problems and concerns that arise in clinical practice as well as their potential solutions.
The Trigger Process
When the volumes of Annals of Clinical Psychiatry published by Taylor and Francis became unavailable through any on-line source and the CLOCKSS board determined a trigger event had occurred, five volumes of Annals of Clinical Psychiatry were made available to the public for free. The five volumes (16-20) are now available from CLOCKSS host institutions, EDINA at University of Edinburgh and Stanford University.

Free Public Access to Annals of Clinical Psychiatry
Creative Commons License
The Annals of Clinical Psychiatry content is copyright Taylor and Francis and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.