CLOCKSS Triggers Auto/Biography
Print ISSN: 0967-5507, eISSN: 1479-9715. Triggered: August 2008.
The decision by SAGE Publications to discontinue its journal, Auto/Biography,provides the CLOCKSS Initiative another opportunity to demonstrate how CLOCKSS works. In doing so, CLOCKSS offers continuing and public access to all the SAGE-published Auto/Biography articles that are preserved in the CLOCKSS Archive.
Auto/Biography is an international and interdisciplinary journal addressing theoretical, epistemological, and empirical issues relating to autobiographical and biographical research. Its aim is to further develop the growing academic interest across a range of disciplines in life-studies, life-writing, life history, narrative analysis, and the representation of lives. It is a journal that illuminates the social context of individual lives while also allowing space for individual stories to be told.
The Trigger Process
SAGE Publications is a founding member of CLOCKSS. When it announced that it was discontinuing Auto/Biography, and the CLOCKSS board determined a trigger event had occurred, three volumes of Auto/Biography were made available to the public for free.
The Auto/Biography content was not collected directly from the publisher’s web site but was received from SAGE Publications as XML, PDF and other formats. It is preserved in these forms by the CLOCKSS Archive nodes. To prepare the volumes for the hosting platforms, an HTML representation of each volume was generated from the XML files using XSLT (a language for transforming XML) and the preserved PDF files added to it. The three volumes (2004 – 2007) are now available from CLOCKSS host institutions, EDINA at University of Edinburgh and Stanford University.

Free Public Access to Auto/Biography
Creative Commons License
The Auto/Biography content is copyright SAGE Publications and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.