CLOCKSS Triggers JAMA Français
eISSN: 1930-4625. Triggered: January 2012.
JAMA Français, the French language on-line edition of Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), ceased publication in October 2008. The content of JAMA Français, including translations of original clinical articles, abstracts, the pages of the practitioner and the Patient Page JAMA, remained accessible to subscribers until January 2012.
La publication de JAMA-français, la version en ligne, en langue française, du JAMA, a été arrêtée en octobre 2008. Le contenu de JAMA-français, notamment des traductions d’articles cliniques originaux, des résumés, les pages du praticien et la page du patient de JAMA, demeurera accessible aux abonnés jusqu’au Janvier 2012.
This journal has now been triggered from the CLOCKSS Archive. In keeping with its unique mandate, CLOCKSS is proud to offer continuing and public access to volumes 289-300 of JAMA Français.
The Trigger Process
When the American Medical Association announced that it was discontinuing subscriber access, the CLOCKSS board determined that a trigger event had occurred and the 12 volumes of JAMA Français were made public.
The volumes were copied from the CLOCKSS Archive to LOCKSS boxes at Stanford University and the University of Edinburgh that are dedicated to hosting CLOCKSS triggered content. This network of triggered content LOCKSS boxes ensures open access to the preserved JAMA Français and other triggered content for the entire community.

Free Public Access to JAMA Français
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Important: Please Read
- The CLOCKSS Archive uses LOCKSS technology to preserve content such as JAMA Français with as much fidelity to the original as possible.
- Some things you may notice are:
- The “CLOCKSS Manifest Pages” that appear when you select the Volume 1 – 11 links above are auto-generated by the publisher. They play an important role by enabling the CLOCKSS Archive to preserve the content of issues in the volumes. The manifest pages are part of the preserved content, and they appear just as the publisher created them.
- Some links in the pages, primarily those pointing to services such as login and e-mail alerts provided by the AMA’s publishing system for JAMA Français no longer work. Instead, you will now see this page.
- Some links in the pages, primarily those pointing to generic AMA services such as search and citations, still take you to those services on the AMA’s web site but, because AMA no longer hosts JAMA Français, some of them might not return usable results.