Participating Academic Publishers
Preserving scholarship for future generations
Since 1999, academic publishers have collaborated with libraries to provide a global digital archive to ensure the long-term survival of digital scholarly content. This is because in the print world libraries were solely responsible for the long-term preservation of scholarship. When scholarly content transitioned online this became a shared responsibility. Publishers hold the content, and libraries are responsible for its long-term curation.
CLOCKSS was born as the trusted collaborative archive jointly owned and governed by libraries and publishers. This ensures that libraries feel secure that the content they license from publishers is guaranteed to always be accessible. Today book and journal publishers deposit their content in at least one, and ideally three, long-term archives. This is required by many libraries as a condition of doing business.
In brief, preserving your content in an archive like CLOCKSS makes it easier for publishers to license content to libraries or to publish their researcher’s works Open Access.
The world’s leading academic publishers have entrusted the long-term preservation of their published content to the CLOCKSS archive.

CLOCKSS guide on the importance of digital preservation for responsible publishing organizations
This guide is intended for senior leaders in book publishing organizations. The target audience is board and executive leadership, with scope across editorial, legal, marketing, metadata, production, rights, and related functions. The guide is focused on the foundational importance of digital preservation for responsible publishing organizations and the steps that senior leaders can take to facilitate this. No assumptions are made with regard to knowledge or a direct role in the legal or technical mechanics of meeting preservation requirements.
Preserving Your Publications in CLOCKSS: A Step-by-Step Guide for Publishers
Please click the following link to access an overview of the process and the information we will need to preserve your publications in CLOCKSS. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at, and we will be happy to help.
Participating Academic Publishers
The following publishers have entrusted the long-term preservation of their published content to the CLOCKSS archive. Each participating publisher agrees that if the preserved content is triggered. It will being made freely available to all.
As a community-guided organization, CLOCKSS welcome your comments and suggestions. Let us know what ejournals, ebooks, or other scholarly e-resources you would like preserved in the CLOCKSS archive. Please feel free to contact us.
- 21 Editore
- Academia Brasileira de Ciências
- Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
- Académia-EME éditions
- Academy Health
- Accademia di Romania
- Accademia University Press
- Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
- ACSESS Inc. - American Society of Agronomy (now part of Wiley)
- ACSESS Inc. - Crop Science Society of America (now part of Wiley)
- ACSESS Inc. - Soil Science Society of America (now part of Wiley)
- Acta Dermato-Venereologica
- Aerospace Medical Association
- Afreximbank
- Agorà & Co.
- Agrosavia
- Airiti
- Åland Islands Peace Institute
- Al-Academy Journal
- Al-Ayen Iraqi University
- Al-Azhar University
- Al-Esraa University
- Al-Kindy College of Medicine
- Al-Mustaqbal University
- Al-Nahrain University, Biotechnology Research Center
- Al-Nahrain University, College of Information Engineering
- All'Insegna del Giglio
- Alpes Italia
- Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media
- Altralinea edizioni
- Altrimedia
- Aluvión Editorial
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- The American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- American Anthropological Association
- American Association for Cancer Research
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Association of Immunologists
- American Dental Hygienists' Association
- American Diabetes Association
- American Entomological Society
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
- American Institute of Physics
- American Journal of Combinatorics
- American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- American Mathematical Society
- American Medical Association
- American Meteorological Society
- American Nuclear Society (now part of Taylor & Francis)
- American Occupational Therapy Association
- American Physiological Society
- American Podiatric Medical Association
- American Psychiatric Association Publishing
- American Roentgen Ray Society
- American School of Classical Studies at Athens
- American Society for Microbiology
- American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
- American Society of Neuroradiology
- American Society of Plant Biologists
- American Society of Plant Taxonomists
- American Society of Questioned Document Examiners
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- American University Washington College of Law
- American Veterinary Medical Association
- Amherst College Press
- Ammons Scientific (now part of Sage Publishing)
- Ancestral Health Society
- Annali ltaliani di Chirurgia
- Annals of Family Medicine
- Anthropos Editorial
- Aperio
- Aposta
- Aras edizioni
- Archaeological Institute of America
- Archives of Pharmacy Practice
- Artemide
- ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Association for Promotion of Holistic Approach to Environment
- Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
- Association of Jewish Libraries
- Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) (now part of Wiley)
- Association of Medical Education of the Eastern-Mediterranean Region
- Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
- Associazione di studi storici Elio Conti
- Associazione Lettera Internazionale
- AIB - Associazione Italiana Biblioteche
- Athabasca University Press
- Aurora Health Care
- Australasian Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Australian College of Perioperative Nurses
- Australian National University Press
- Baghdad Science Journal
- Bar Publishing
- Basque Institute of Public Administration
- Becaris Publishing
- bepress Digital Commons (Aggregator)
- Berghahn Books
- Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Beryl Institute
- Biblioteca dei Leoni
- Biologic Institute
- BioMed Central
- Bioscience Research Institute
- Blender Secrets
- Bon View Publishing
- Bononia University Press
- Bookstones
- Borntraeger
- Boston College Law School
- Botanical Society of America (now part of Wiley)
- Bradypus
- Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology
- British Academy
- British Institute of Radiology
- Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum
- Business Expert Press
- Business Systems Laboratory
- Butler University
- By the Book Edições Especiais
- Cambridge University Press
- Campus ouvert
- Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
- Canadian Dental Association
- Canadian Journal of Public Health (now part of Springer)
- Canadian Science Publishing
- Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
- Canadian Young Scientist Journal
- Cardiometry (through 2018)
- Carl Grossmann Publishers
- Carnegie Mellon University Library Publishing Service
- Casalini Libri
- Case Western Reserve University School of Law
- Celid
- Cell Physiol Biochem Press
- Center for the Blue Economy
- Central Council For Research In Homoeopathy
- Central Mining Institute
- Centre Mersenne for Open Scientific Publishing
- Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Docente CENID AC
- Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa (CFUL through 2014)
- CPL - Centro Primo Levi
- Changsha University of Science and Technology
- Channel View Publications
- Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
- Chicago-Kent College of Law
- Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Christian Academic Circle
- City Space Architecture
- Clay Minerals Society
- CLEI - Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática
- Cleveland State University, Journal of Law and Health
- Clinical Biotec
- Clueb
- Co-Action Publishing
- Code Ocean
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboatory Press
- The Company of Biologists
- Copernicus Publications
- Coquina Press
- Corporation of Research and Industrial Development
- CourseSource
- Crossref
- Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Inc.
- De Montfort University
- Di che cibo 6?
- Diderotiana Editrice
- Dove Medical Press (now part of Taylor & Francis)
- Duke University Law School
- Duke University Press
- East View Information Services
- École française d'Athènes
- École Française de Rome
- Edições UESB
- Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute
- Egyptian Spine Association
- EUNSA - Ediciones Universidad de Navarra
- Edinburgh University Press
- EdiSud Salerno
- Édition SPM
- Editore XY.IT
- Editorial Comares
- Editorial Reus
- Editorial de la Universidad Nacional del Sur
- Editoriale Scientifica
- Editpress
- Editrice Bibliografica
- Editura ASE
- Edizioni Cadmo srl
- Edizioni Clichy
- Edizioni dell'Ateneo
- Edizioni Epoké
- Edizioni Espera
- Edizioni Otto Novecento
- Edizioni Pendragon
- Edizioni Qiqajon
- Edizioni Quasar
- Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani
- Edizioni Studium
- Educational Journal of Living Theories
- eLife
- Elsevier
- Emerald Group Publishing
- EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd.
- E-NAMTILA Publishing
- The Endocrine Society
- Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center
- EScience Press
- Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering
- Eurilink University Press
- EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages
- European Cells and Materials
- European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity
- European Journal of Business Science and Technology
- European Mathematical Society
- European Publisher Ltd. (formerly Future Academy)
- European Respiratory Society
- European University Institute of Law
- Expert Reviews (now part of Taylor & Francis)
- Fabrizio Serra editore
- Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad Católica del Norte
- Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo
- Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University
- Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
- Fauves éditions
- Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) (now part of Wiley)
- Finnish Literature Society
- Finnish Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy Research
- Finnish Society of Forest Science
- Firenze University Press
- Fondazione Craxi
- Forest Research and Management Institute
- Forum
- Forum Multimedia Publishing
- Foundation for Student and Science Technology (through 2019)
- Franco Angeli (Casalini Libri)
- frommann-holzboog
- Frontiers
- Fundación Juan José López-Ibor
- Fundacao de Apoio Da Universidade Federal Do Rgs-Faurgs
- Future Medicine
- Future Science
- Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport
- General Organization of Teaching Hospitals and Institutes
- Genetics Society of America
- Genova University Press
- Geological Society of America
- Geological Society of London
- Georgia Southern University
- GeoScienceWorld
- GH, Inc. (through 2016)
- Ghent University Library
- Giannini Editore
- Giappichelli Editore
- Giardini Editori e Stampatori in Pisa
- GigaScience Press
- Glasgow University Union
- Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women
- Global Summitry Project at the University of Toronto
- Gonzaga Library Publishing
- Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale
- Guerini e Associati
- Guida Editori
- Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press
- Harbin University of Science and Technology
- HCA Healthcare
- The Healthbook Company Ltd.
- Hellenic Psychiatric Association
- Helsinki University Press
- Helwan University
- Herder Editorial
- The Herpetological Society of Japan (UniBio)
- Hilla University College
- Hindawi Limited
- History of Classical Scholarship
- HMP Global
- H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences Online
- Hoepli
- Holy Spirit University Kaslik
- Hong Kong College of Cardiology
- Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center
- Humane Society of the United States
- Hunan Provincial Institute of Scientific and Technology Information
- Iasi University of Life Sciences
- IEREK Press
- If Press
- Il Calamo
- Il foglio letterario
- Il Lavoro Editoriale
- Il Poligrafo casa editrice
- Index Copernicus
- Infinito edizioni
- Iniestares
- Inschibboleth edizioni
- Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement
- Institute of Religious Sciences and Philosophy of the Universidad Católica del Norte
- Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Sociales de la UNVM
- Institutul Român pentru Drepturile Omului
- The IET (The Institution of Engineering & Technology)
- IFAC - Istituto di Fisica Applicata Nello Carrara
- IG Publishing
- IGI Global
- Ignatianum University in Cracow
- IJS Publishing Group
- Illesia, the International Journal of Stonefly Research
- IMR Press
- Inderscience
- India, China & America Institute - Kennesaw State University
- Indiana University Mathematics Journal
- Indiana University Maurer School of Law
- Innovations Journals (Innovative Healthcare Institute)
- InnoVision Professional Media
- Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
- InTechOpen
- International Association of Orofacial Myology
- International Glaciological Society (now part of Cambridge University Press)
- International Journal of Population Data Science
- International Linear Algebra Society
- International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery
- International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature
- International Structural Engineering and Construction Society
- International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
- International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
- International Viticulture and Enology Society
- Inter-Research Science Publisher
- IOP Publishing
- IOS Press
- Iowa State University Digital Press
- IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd.
- IP Publishing Ltd. (now part of Sage Publishing)
- ISCA, University of Oxford
- iScience Notes
- Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
- IUScholarWorks
- IWA Publishing
- Jaipuria Institute of Management
- The Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry
- Japanese Society of Ova Reserach (UniBio)
- Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation
- Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
- Journal of Insect Biodiversity
- Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
- Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality
- Kare Publishing
- Kermes rivista
- Kirkuk University Journal-Scientific Studies KUJSS
- KIT Scientific Publishing
- Kluwer Law International BV
- Knowledge Unlatched (through 2016)
- Komunikácie
- Korean Marketing Association
- Krill Books
- Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Karad
- Kriterium
- KwaZulu Natal Museum (now part of Pensoft Publishers)
- L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
- La Ergástula
- La Vita Felice
- Laser Institute of America
- L'asino d'oro edizioni
- Lecturas de Economía
- Ledizioni
- Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information
- Leo S. Olschki
- Leone Editore
- L'Erma di Bretschneider
- Les Impliqués
- Levy Library Press
- L'Harmattan
- LIM - Libreria Musicale Italiana
- Libertas Academica (now part of Sage Publishing)
- Librello Publishing House
- Licosia Edizioni
- Life Science Alliance
- LINEA edizioni
- Linen Hall Library
- Literacy in Composition Studies
- Liverpool University Press
- Loffredo
- LoGisma
- London School of Economics and Politics
- London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Press
- Longdom Publishing
- Longo
- Ludovika University Press
- Lviv State University of Internal Affairs
- Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine
- Mammal Society of Japan
- Manchester University Press
- Mandragora
- Maney Publishing (now part of Taylor & Francis)
- Mansoura University, Faculty of Medicine
- MAP - Modern Academic Publishing
- Marcianum Press
- Marco Saya Edizioni
- Mark Allen Group
- Marshall University, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine
- Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP)
- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
- McFarland Center for Religion Ethics and Culture, College of the Holy Cross
- McMaster University Library Press
- Media Studies Press
- Media XXI
- Medknow Publications
- Metauro
- Microbiology Society
- Micronesica
- Miguel Lillo Foundation
- Mimesis Edizioni
- Mineralogical Association of Canada
- Mineralogical Society of America
- Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland (now part of Cambridge University Press)
- Minnesota State University Moorhead and Department of Leadership and Learning
- Momentum Press
- Morcelliana
- Morlacchi Editore
- Multi-Science Publishing (now part of Sage Publishing)
- Museum Victoria
- Mustansiriyah University, College of Engineering
- Mustansiriyah University, College of Pharmacy
- Mustansiriyah University, College of Science
- Nardini editore
- The National Academies Press
- National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
- National University of Sciences & Technology
- National University of Uzbekistan
- Nature Publishing Group
- Negretto
- Nepal Health Research Council
- New Digital Frontiers
- New Prairie Press
- New Zealand Medical Association
- Nicomp
- Nonpartisan Education Review
- Northampton Open Journals - Library and Learning Services
- Nova Charta
- Numérique Premium
- OAPEN Foundation
- Odin éditions
- Oekom Verlag
- Officina Libraria
- Open Library of Humanities
- Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Orizons
- Ornithological Society of Japan
- Orthotes Editrice
- Oxford University Press
- Pace University Law School
- Pacific Affairs
- Pacific University (through 2016)
- Pacini Editore
- Palaeontological Society of Japan
- Palermo University Press
- Palgrave Macmillan
- Pan Arab Rhinology Society
- Paolo Loffredo Editore
- Parenteral Drug Association, Inc.
- Paris Expérimental
- Pasifika Medical Association Group
- Passigli
- Past Global Changes
- Pàtron Editore
- Pediatric Endosurgery Group, Bangladesh (through 2013)
- Peer Community in
- PeerJ
- Penn State University Press
- Pensoft Publishers
- Penta
- Permanyer
- Philippine Association of Institutions for Research, Inc.
- Philosophy Documentation Center
- Pion Ltd (now part of Sage Publishing)
- Plaza y Valdés Editores
- PM edizioni
- Portland Press
- Practical Action Publishing
- Pro Medicina Foundation
- Prospettiva edizioni
- Public Library of Science (PLOS)
- Publishing House International
- PublyMed
- Purdue University Press
- Quantum
- Quebec Nursing Intervention Research Network (RRISIQ)
- Quinney College of Law
- Recherche Entreprises et Décision - Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Gabès
- Red Académica Pares
- Residência Pediátrica
- Resilience Alliance
- Revista Alergia México
- Rivista di diritto delle arti e dello spettacolo
- Rochester Regional Health System
- Rockefeller University Press
- Rocky Mountain Geology
- Rosenberg & Sellier
- Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing
- Royal Society of Medicine (now part of Sage Publishing)
- Royal Society Publishing
- Saër Al Mashrek
- SAGE Publications
- Sapienza Università Editrice
- Scholé
- ScholarWorks @ GVSU
- Scholarworks @ University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Schweizerbart Science Publishers
- SciELO (through 2016)
- ScienceOpen
- Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK)
- Scientific Journal Publishers
- SciFree
- SciPost
- Scottish Universities Press
- Seismological Society of America
- Sépia
- Settegiorni Editore
- Settenove edizioni
- Sharjah Police Science Academy
- Sheffield Hallam University
- Sillabe
- SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo
- SMW Supporting Association
- Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of History
- Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico
- Société Internationale d'Urologie Journal
- Society for Health Care & Research Development
- Society for Hindu-Christian Studies - Butler University
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- Society for Leukocyte Biology (now part of Wiley)
- Society for Longitudinal and Life Study Courses
- Society for Neuroscience
- Society for Promotion of Horticulture - Indian Institute of Horticultural Research
- Society for Sedimentary Geology
- Society for Sociological Science
- Society for the Study of Reproduction (now part of Oxford University Press)
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
- Southeastern Surgical Congress
- Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care
- Sovera Edizioni
- Spandidos Publications
- SPIE (through 2016)
- Springer Nature
- St. Mary's College of California
- Stanford University Press
- Stilo Editrice
- Stockholm University Press
- Storia e Letteratura
- Sulaimani Polytechnic University
- TAB edizioni
- Tashkent State Technical University
- Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research
- Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche Trento (now part of Casalini Libri)
- Taylor & Francis
- Téraèdre éditions
- Testimonianze Associazione culturale
- Thamar University, Faculty of Arts
- Thieme Publishing Group
- Tra le righe libri
- Trama Editorial
- Trans Tech Publications
- Tuwhera, Auckland University of Technology
- Ubiquity Press
- Ukrainian Dental Association
- UniBio Press
- Universidad Austral de Chile
- Universidad de Antioquia
- Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
- Universidad de Cantabria
- Universidad de Nariño
- Universidad del Valle
- Universidad Católica de Temuco
- Universita di Salerno
- Universitas Airlangga
- University of Al-Nisour University College
- University of Al-Qadisiyah, College of Science
- University of Alberta Learning Services
- University of Alberta Press
- University of Alkafeel, Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences
- University of Alkafeel, Ma’aen Journal for Medical Sciences
- University of Baghdad, College of Arts
- University of Baghdad, College of Dentistry
- University of Baghdad, College of Education for Pure Science Ibn Al-Haitham
- University of Baghdad, College of Education Ibn Rushd
- University of Baghdad, College of Engineering
- University of Baghdad, College of Law
- University of Baghdad, College of Mass Communication
- University of Baghdad, College of Medicine
- University of Baghdad, College of Pharmacy
- University of Baghdad, College of Physical Education and Sports Science
- University of Baghdad, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Women
- University of Baghdad, College of Political Sciences
- University of Baghdad, College of Veterinary Medicine
- University of Baghdad, Iraqi Journal of Physics
- University of California Press open access journals
- University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Diamond
- University of Faisalabad
- University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries
- University of Iowa
- University of Kerbala
- University of Lodz
- University of Michigan Press
- University of Nevada - Las Vegas
- University of Notre Dame Law School
- University of Presov
- University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Forestry
- University of Technology-Iraq
- University of Thi-Qar, College of Science
- University of West London
- University of Westminster Press
- University of Wyoming Libraries
- University Press of Morocco
- Urbana: Urban Affairs and Public Policy
- Urbaniana University Press
- Urology and Nephrology Research Center
- Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals
- Utrecht University School of Law
- UTS ePress Publishing House
- Verduci Editore
- Victoria University (Melbourne, Australia)
- Viella
- Villa Vigoni
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press (VGTU Press)
- Virginia Tech Publishing
- Visayas Socio-Economic Research and Data Analytics Center
- Visor Libros
- Vita e Pensiero
- Voces de la educación
- VT Publishing
- W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Science
- Wageningen Academic Publishers
- Western Kentucky University Research Foundation (now part of Sage Publishing)
- Western Michigan University Department of Occupational Therapy
- White Rose University Press
- Whiting & Birch
- Wildlife Information Liaison Development
- Wiley
- Wolters Kluwer Health
- WriteUP
- Wroclaw Medical University Press
- Xiamen: Dianhuaxue Bianjibu
- Yale Institute of Sacred Music
- Zanichelli Editore
- Zoo Outreach Organization
- The Zoological Society of Japan
Join the CLOCKSS community of academic publishers
Affordable, Inclusive and Sustainable - As an independent not-for-profit charitable organization, CLOCKSS is committed to keep fees affordable and to enable academic publishers of all sizes and from all parts of the world to participate. Together we will preserve scholarship for future generations.